The following sample menu was developed to meet the following criteria outlined in section B.24.204 of the FDR:
Each daily meal contains, at a minimum, 1 serving of each food group from Canada's Food Guide (2019)
The daily energy intake provided for is not less than 1200 kcal or 5040 kJ;
Not more than 30 per cent of the total daily energy intake of the seven-day menu is derived from its fat content and not more than 10 per cent of the total daily energy intake of the menu is derived from its saturated fatty acid content;
The mean daily intake of each nutrient listed in column I of the table to this section is not less than the amount shown in column II, in the case of a menu recommended for men, or in column III, in the case of a menu recommended for women; and
The menu does not include any reference to vitamin or mineral supplements.